Data Science

Machine Learning with Python - Regression(Simple, Multiple, Non-linear regression)

Hiru_93 2022. 8. 19. 11:03
  • Regression: a process of predicting a continuous value
  • Types of regression models: Simple Regression / Multiple Regression
  • Simple Linear Regression: one independent variable(x) 갖고 하나의 dependent variable(y) 도출해 내는
  • Multiple Linear Regression: 여러개의 Independent variable 갖고 하나의 dependent variable 도출해 내는



  • Simple Linear Regression 공식. 세1 coefficient 라고 불리고, 쎄타0는 Intercept라고 불린다
  • How to find the best fit for Simple Linear Regression? There are two ways
  1. 1. Mathematical Research /  2. Optimization approach


Co2Emission 구하는 과정: 먼저 쎄타0 쎄타1 값을 구한다. -> EngineSize 대입(x) -> Co2Emission(Yhat)출력

  • 쎄타0 쎄타1 구하는 과정: 핵심은 x값과 y값의 평균값 산출에 있음


  • Model Evaluation Process: Segments consist mainly of two parts which are 1. Train and Test on the Same Dataset 2. Train/Test split
  • Train and Test on the Same Dataset: The process to obtain not only high training accuracy but also high out-of-sample accuracy
  • Why do we need training & out-of-sample accuracy?

To prevent over-fitting

  • How do we prevent over-fitting and increase the accuracy of unknown data?

We use cross-validation

  • Cross-validation: 데이터를 여러 Training set Testing set 으로 나누어서 여러 번에 걸쳐서 검증하는
  • Evaluation metrics: model 성능을 표현하기 위해 사용됨
  • Regression accuracy MAE(mean absolute error), MSE(mean squared error), RMSE(root mean squared error)등으로 인해 정해진다
  • What is the error?

The difference between Actual value and Predicted value. 에러는 어떤 type 모델을 선정하는지에 따라서 달라진다.


  • Multiple Linear Regression

For example, it's to predict Co2emission vs EngineSize and Cylinders of all cars. 쉽게 말해 독립변수 여럿과 종속변수 하나와의 관계를 밝혀내는 모델

  • Multiple Linear Regression 에서의 쎄타: 독립변수가 많아질수록 각각 독립변수를 할당하는 쎄타값을 가진다


  • How to estimate Theta in multiple linear regression?
  1. Ordinary Least Squares: Takes a long time for large datasets(10K + rows)
  2. Optimization algorism

Gradient Descent 사용한다. Gradient Descent ? MSE 미분하여 그라디언트가 영벡터가 되는 지점을 찾는 과정. , MSE 최소값을 갖는 모델을 구하는 과정.

- 이런식으로 계속 내려온다 -


  • Multiple Linear Regression model 때의 주의점: 1. Don’t' add too many independent variables 2. Use dummy for categorical variables 3. Every independent variables should show the linear relationship with dependent variables
  • Polynomial Regression: When the independent and dependent variants are not linearly related, polynomial regression is used to show the relationship. For example, China's GDP growth


  • Polynomial Regression에는 linear regression, quadratic regression, cubic regression 전부를 포함함. X(독립변수) 차수가 n차로 되어있는 모델을 전부 polynomial regression이라고 부름
  • How can I know if a  problem is linear or non-linear in an easy way?
  1. Inspect Visually: Plotting -> Calculate the correlation.  Then,
  2. Based on accuracy: Calculate the error
  • How should I model my data, if it displays non-linear on a scatter plot?

Polynomial regression / Non-linear regression model / Transform your data