Data Science

Machine Learning with Python - Intro

Hiru_93 2022. 8. 18. 17:50
  • Python libraries for machine learning
  • Numpy, Pandas, Scikit-learn
  • Scikit-learnd 기능: preprocessing, model_selection, building classifier, fitting the model, confusion_matrix (결과 출력)
  • Supervised vs Unsupervised learning(지도학습 vs 비지도학습)
  • Supervised model: how to teach? by labeling the dataset


  • Unsupervised learning techniques: Dimension reduction / Density estimation / market basket analysis / Clustering
  • Clustering: example) bank's desire to segment his customers based on certain characteristics / helping an individual to organize in-group his favorite types of music


  • Different between Supervised vs Unsupervised learning